Founder & Head Coach

Our lead coach, Ben Pullen, has a wealth of experience coaching and teaching young children and adolescents. Ben has nearly completed a Doctorate in Philosophy in Paediatric Strength and Conditioning focusing on the effects of improving athletic motor skill competencies in school children and the impact on psychological constructs. Ben has also published his research findings in international peer-reviewed journals and further co-authored youth strength and conditioning research. Alongside his strength and conditioning research concerning youths, Ben has previously coached in national, international, special population and disability athletes. He has also delivered Strength and Conditioning to thousands of school children across numerous schools in both England and Wales.

Ben offers consultancy services to schools on a range of topics to upskill Physical Education teachers and Strength and Conditioning Coaches on a range of Paediatric Strength and Conditioning topics.

Get in touch if you are interested in consultancy services from the Youth Exercise Centre to improve your coaching in youth sport, school, academy or your own training facility.

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