The movement exploration class is founded on developing a strong, positive association to physical activity. Classes are aimed at developing movement skills and foundational strength through fun and engaging activities. The activities are age appropriate and include games, challenges, and exploration that positively challenge children’s competency while improving their physical capabilities. Skills such as the ability to climb, hold animal shapes, gymnastic style activities, and the introduction to athletic motor skill competencies are the foundations to youth training. This class provides the introduction to strength training to give children the opportunity to learn the skills required to safely and confidently engage in resistance training.

Small group, age appropriate strength training with world leading paediatric strength training experts.
Games, challenges, and lots of opportunity for movement exploration via climbing, gymnastic style fun, obstacle courses, and resistance training.
Founded on enjoyment to build a positive association to physical activity to improve health and well-being.
Developing children’s fundamental movement skills and muscular strength.
Creating children’s love for exercise.
Specialist Physical Education sessions using exciting equipment exclusive to the Youth Exercise Centre.
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